Corruption scandal

For Babies - Infants 20 hours ago

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Corruption scandal in FIFA. The revision of the French Federation Corruption scandal in FIFA: - French police duty searches in the office Federation Francaise de Football - announced Swiss Prosecutor General's Office , which oversees the investigation into the corruption scandal in FIFA. - These actions are related to the transfer made by Sepp Blatter to Micha-ela Platini. The said transfer "sank" the head of UEFA, Jackpot Bet Online and Jackpot Bet Online - thanks to the suspension, and Jackpot Bet Online later disqualification nałożonychgo by the Ethics Committee - eliminated him from the fight for the inheritance Blatterze.

During the Swiss investigation it found that Blatter Platini has shed 1.


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181.00 $

Jozef Israelslaan 80 3141 Kd

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