Mike Schmidt: Okay, Murch, so 1,500 hours is a lot for you, but Poelstra mentioned in his reply, "If we might reduce this to 1 month, 160 hours of labor, I think this could be an affordable factor to do for a sure sort of super-paranoid Bitcoin user who only transacted each a number of years". And frankly, I don’t think that it's by any means affordable for anyone to do multiple hours of calculation just to do transactions, let alone a number of months and, yeah, so I don’t know. " And Andrew Poelstra answered this, providing some background, some other hand-calculation verification methods that he’s used previously, including Codex32, and he estimates that it could take, even using some tricks and some helper lookup tables, that it might take about 1,500 hours to try this, 36 weeks of a full-time job, even utilizing a few of these tricks that he outlined in his answer.