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The company has grown to be the leading crypto exchange in a number of countries, and their side organizations are attracting significant interest as well. Due to the enormous selection of trading pairs, Binance Futures have become ones of the most liquid derivatives exchange in crypto trading market. Q: How long time to build binance like crypto exchange? RAI, on the other hand, can survive all of these risks, but it has a negative interest rate: reviews over at the time of this writing, -6.7%. ETH as collateral. This rate could be improved with more people engaging in arbitrage, holding negative RAI and balancing it out with positive USDC or even interest-bearing bank account deposits, but interest rates on RAI will always be lower than in a functioning banking system, and the possibility of negative rates, and the user experience headaches that they imply, will always be there.
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ID #9996
Hamarstigur 94
Registered 5 days ago
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